TCDC & LRAC Partners to Bring
Ballet Jörgen to Northern Saskatchewan
The Tri-Community Dance Club partnered with the La Ronge Arts Council to bring Ballet Jörgen here to our communities for the performance of Sleeping Beauty on Tuesday March 4, 2025.
We have received incredible support from the Tri-Community and beyond and are so excited and grateful to be able to share this special experience with the communities.
We wish to express our gratitude to the following organizations and people who helped make this event accessible to our communities:
Drifters Motel


We would also like to
thank the following
individuals for their contributions:
John Bell
Mike Layton
Deanna Belhumeur
Soufiane & Taylor Bousshmine

Tri- Community Dance Club proudly presents...
The Circle Unites Us
Working with multiple partners, both within the community and beyond, TCDC co-developed a project that we called the ‘Circle Unites Us’. The initial part of the project was a 4-day workshop featuring African Dance, Hip-Hop, and Indigenous Hoop dance. The workshop was held at JRMCC from August 15-18, 2022. Workshop participants attended hip-hop and hoop dance sessions and then worked with both instructors on the final day to create a fusion of the two dance forms. Brandon White of b/w Photo was engaged to document the children’s experiences throughout the week and work with TCDC to develop a film which highlighted the learning process of the participants.
The film that follows: The Circle Unites Us, is the culmination of this project. Through this project we provided an opportunity for the children of the tri-community to take part in an exploratory and educational experience. Dance forms, in all parts of the world, have a history and teachings to be shared. Dance forms have evolved through time as they connected with new cultures and as individuals expressed themselves. This evolution was prohibited for a period of time. As we strive to live our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation and our mission of sharing the spirit, practices and values of dance, TCDC looks for ways to offer opportunities for children to explore the cultural elements of a variety of dance forms and revive dance within our community. This workshop provided this learning opportunity but also provided space for the children to express themselves and infuse a bit of themselves into these two dance forms.
We were humbled by this experience and are grateful to all those who participated in this project, both the facilitators and the participants. A huge thank you to SK Arts, The Town of La Ronge and JRMCC who sponsored this project. Thank you for coming together to create a meaningful and deep impact which was felt by all those involved. We are honoured to share this film and we hope you enjoy watching it. Feel free to leave us a comment (at the bottom of this page) about what resonated with you.